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Department of Chemistry

The Department of Chemistry at Warwick supports a thriving community of innovators using fundamental chemical science to solve global challenges. Our staff are world-leading researchers and teachers across diverse topics - from sustainable synthesis and drug development, to renewable energy and battery materials. 

Undergraduate courses

Discover our undergraduate courses, including options for industrial and overseas placements.

Master's courses

Our taught post-graduate courses focus on cutting-edge skills and research training to boost your career.

Postgraduate research

Our post-graduate researchers drive our leading research teams to solve global challenges.

Explore our research

Expert academics, teamed with the next generation of scientific leaders, produce some of the world’s best chemistry.

Student Hub

Current BSc and MChem student information in one place. You have to be logged into your Warwick student account to use these pages.

Chemistry Outreach

Meet the team of teaching and research specialists and students dedicated to bringing science to all.